Beta Review Master 1.1a by

Latin Typing Key

a_ e_ i_ o_ u_
ā  ē  ī  ō  ū
Classical Latin

Vocabulary Classical Latin-Common Words Forgotten
  • It seems like these words are confused with other words and/or forgotten and need constant review. This test will grow over time.
    •    A. for, for instance, namely, that is to say, I mean, in fact
    •    B. to say, speak, utter, tell, mention, relate, affirm, declare, state, assert
    •    C. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    D. in any place whatever, anywhere, in every place, everywhere
    •    A. to stay, remain, abide, tarry
    •    B. to go, walk, ride, sail, fly, move, pass
    •    C. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    D. to learn, learn to know, acquire, become acquainted with
    •    A. to cause to know, make aware, teach, instruct, inform, show, prove, convince, tell
    •    B. in such a degree, as much, so, so much
    •    C. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    D. to throw, cast, fling, hurl
    •    A. then, at that time, just then, on that occasion
    •    B. then, at that time, in those times
    •    C. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    D. in such a degree, as much, so, so much
    •    A. enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate
    •    B. while, whilst, at the time that, during the time in which, where
    •    C. to go, walk, ride, sail, fly, move, pass
    •    D. in consequence of, on account of, because of, for the sake of (old)
    •    A. for, for instance, namely, that is to say, I mean, in fact
    •    B. to throw, cast, fling, hurl
    •    C. in such a degree, as much, so, so much
    •    D. Relat., from which place, whence
    •    A. there, in that place
    •    B. to stay, remain, abide, tarry
    •    C. then, at that time, just then, on that occasion
    •    D. to cause to know, make aware, teach, instruct, inform, show, prove, convince, tell
    •    A. then, at that time, just then, on that occasion
    •    B. in such a degree, as much, so, so much
    •    C. to go, walk, ride, sail, fly, move, pass
    •    D. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    A. if, whether; now, surely not, really, then (asking question expecting neg)
    •    B. in consequence of, on account of, because of, for the sake of (old)
    •    C. to say, speak, utter, tell, mention, relate, affirm, declare, state, assert
    •    D. to throw, cast, fling, hurl
    •    A. to lie, be recumbent, be prostrate, lie at rest
    •    B. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    C. to go, walk, ride, sail, fly, move, pass
    •    D. now too, yet, as yet, even yet, still, even now
    •    A. to lie, be recumbent, be prostrate, lie at rest
    •    B. in any place whatever, anywhere, in every place, everywhere
    •    C. there, in that place
    •    D. enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate
    •    A. enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate
    •    B. in such a degree, as much, so, so much
    •    C. to lie, be recumbent, be prostrate, lie at rest
    •    D. to throw, cast, fling, hurl
    •    A. now, already, at the moment, at the present moment, at this time, just now, at present
    •    B. for (causal); for this reason
    •    C. to cause to know, make aware, teach, instruct, inform, show, prove, convince, tell
    •    D. to stay, remain, abide, tarry
    •    A. to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort
    •    B. for, for instance, namely, that is to say, I mean, in fact
    •    C. to stay, remain, abide, tarry
    •    D. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    A. then, at that time, in those times
    •    B. to remind, put in mind of, admonish, advise, warn, instruct, teach
    •    C. to learn, learn to know, acquire, become acquainted with
    •    D. then, at that time, just then, on that occasion
    •    A. Relat., from which place, whence
    •    B. to stay, remain, abide, tarry
    •    C. to lie, be recumbent, be prostrate, lie at rest
    •    D. for (causal); for this reason
    •    A. to learn, learn to know, acquire, become acquainted with
    •    B. if, whether; now, surely not, really, then (asking question expecting neg)
    •    C. to cause to know, make aware, teach, instruct, inform, show, prove, convince, tell
    •    D. to throw, cast, fling, hurl
    •    A. there, in that place
    •    B. in such a degree, as much, so, so much
    •    C. at no time, never
    •    D. while, whilst, at the time that, during the time in which, where
    •    A. now, at present, at this time
    •    B. if, whether; now, surely not, really, then (asking question expecting neg)
    •    C. to learn, learn to know, acquire, become acquainted with
    •    D. then, at that time, just then, on that occasion
    •    A. to remind, put in mind of, admonish, advise, warn, instruct, teach
    •    B. enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate
    •    C. though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that
    •    D. to learn, learn to know, acquire, become acquainted with
    •    A. to go, walk, ride, sail, fly, move, pass
    •    B. enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate
    •    C. for, for instance, namely, that is to say, I mean, in fact
    •    D. while, whilst, at the time that, during the time in which, where
    •    A. to lie, be recumbent, be prostrate, lie at rest
    •    B. now, already, at the moment, at the present moment, at this time, just now, at present
    •    C. in such a degree, as much, so, so much
    •    D. to remind, put in mind of, admonish, advise, warn, instruct, teach
    •    A. then, at that time, just then, on that occasion
    •    B. to lie, be recumbent, be prostrate, lie at rest
    •    C. for (causal); for this reason
    •    D. then, at that time, in those times
    •    A. to remind, put in mind of, admonish, advise, warn, instruct, teach
    •    B. then, at that time, in those times
    •    C. if, whether; now, surely not, really, then (asking question expecting neg)
    •    D. then, at that time, just then, on that occasion
    •    A. now, at present, at this time
    •    B. to cause to know, make aware, teach, instruct, inform, show, prove, convince, tell
    •    C. in any place whatever, anywhere, in every place, everywhere
    •    D. for (causal); for this reason
    •    A. for, for instance, namely, that is to say, I mean, in fact
    •    B. Relat., from which place, whence
    •    C. to lie, be recumbent, be prostrate, lie at rest
    •    D. in such a degree, as much, so, so much